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Whey protein has been proven to be a very beneficial supplement when it comes to weight loss. Studies have shown that most people do not take in enough protein in their daily diet and whey protein can be a great substitute. Combining whey protein with regular exercise and training can help you lose the weight you want to lose

  1. Whey Protein Helps Burn Fat

Researchers generally agree that taking whey protein post exercise can help you lose more fat, especially fat from the belly area. A recent study has showed that participants who consumed more whey protein lost 31 lbs (14.1 kg) in 3 months — 23% more than those consuming less. Combining strength training with an intake of whey protein has also shown to prevent muscle loss, while also allowing a person to burn fat and lose weight which is the healthiest and most efficient form of weight loss.

  1. Whey Protein Boosts Metabolism

Whey Protein can increase metabolism because of the amount of calories needed to digest and metabolize it. This is known as the thermic effect of food (TEF).  Due to the high thermic effect and several other factors, taking whey protein tends to boost metabolism. It makes you burn more calories around the clock, including during sleep. Whey protein has been shown to boost metabolism and increase the amount of calories burned by about 80 to 100 per day.

  1. Whey Protein Stabilizes Blood Glucose

Low blood glucose levels can cause a person to feel hungry. A rapid rise in blood glucose and the subsequent insulin response can lead to a dip in blood glucose shortly after eating a meal. Whey protein can help to curb this response, ultimately promoting steady blood glucose and appetite for hours after eating. This can help you have a more healthy and balanced diet. Rather than a massive spike in blood glucose and insulin, followed by a spike in hunger soon after, whey helps you remain on an even keel in terms of both energy and appetite.

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