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Bernie has officially joined the Ozone Wall of Fame for her outstanding results and commitment to training. Bernie is a Group Personal Training client and has shown great dedication and commitment to achieving amazing results in her program

We spoke with Maria about what she wanted to achieve and why it is important to her:

So Bernie, what made you decide you wanted/needed to start a program?

Basically what it was was health reasons really because I was going on the plus side of the scales and no matter what I did, diets or whatever, nothing seemed to work. I wasn’t in the mind frame, couldn’t get in the mind frame so that’s when I decided I had to do something totally different.

What results have you achieved since starting your program?

I’m really happy ‘cos I’ve actually lost weight but more so it’s in my appearance, inches, I’ve toned up. Everyone keeps saying “God Bernie, you’ve lost weight” and I would say I haven’t technically lost a lot of weight but I’ve toned up and it’s gone down in size that way. My strength has gone up and I feel a lot fitter ‘cos I’m actually jogging more where I couldn’t before.

What do you like best about our program/having a trainer?

They pushed you. They set you a target and when they felt you got to that they pushed you even further, even though you think you couldn’t do it they pushed you on and you realise “oh yeah I’m able for that” and they kept a track of you and watched what you were eating, how often you were doing it and were you really putting in the effort like. They were always watching so that’s what I like. They kept on top of you, motivated you.

What would you say to someone on the fence about joining our program?

I would tell them go ahead and do it because it has so much benefits. I was talking to one of the girls who I actually did recommend do the program and she said the difference in herself and I can even see it because I talk to her at work. So yeah, it does work for everyone. It’s basically down to how much effort you want to put in to it


Well done to Bernie, an inspirational accomplishment after such a short time frame. She has earned her place on the Wall of Fame.

If you want to see the same results and be the next candidate for the Wall of Fame. Get in touch now by clicking this link

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